服装设计二年制课程 |
Two-year fashion design course |
时装作品创作课程 |
Fashionable clothing work creation curriculum |
实验性时装设计 |
Experimental fashion design |
时装设计与面料 |
Fashion design and lining |
时装作品赏析 |
Fashionable clothing work appreciation |
时尚色彩设计 |
Vogue color design |
创立时尚经营机构 |
Establishes a fashion operating unit |
时尚与服装趋势预报 |
Fashion and clothing tendency forecast |
风格与时尚分析 |
Style and fashion analysis |
时装陈列与买手 |
The fashionable clothing exhibition with buys the hand |
学术研究与沟通技巧 |
scholarly research and communication skill |
摄影基础知识 |
photography elementary knowledge |
美容知识 |
cosmetology elementary knowledge |
社交礼仪与形体训练。 |
social etiquette and physique training |